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  • How to Prevent or Reverse the Root Causes of Thyroid Disease and Dysfunction and Optimise Your Weight, Energy, and Health 

    If you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s (or the less common Hyperthyroidism or Graves' Disease), suspect your thyroid levels may be impacting your health, or would just like to improve your health, watch this video now:

    • Discover how to determine if you have a low or underactive thyroid and the impactit is having on your health 
    • Learn why autoimmune diseases are on the rise, and how you can protect yourself from this alarming trend
    • Understand the numerous potential root causes for thyroid disease and how to address them naturally and effectively
    • Discover why managing your gut is the first step to managing your thyroid health
    • Get the 2-step Thyroid Detox and Thyroid Diet program to correct thyroid imbalances
    • Learn subtle yet powerful practices to address the underlying energetic imbalances related to thyroid disease

    Could you have a low or underactive thyroid and not know it?

    Autoimmune conditions affecting the thyroid have been on the rise, and can contribute to fatigue, weight gain, aches and pains, low moods, low sex drive, problems with concentration, and many other physical and emotional symptoms.

    Symptoms like these can impact your work and your relationships. If you’re suffering from any of the conditions right now or have experienced them from time to time, you know how they can color your daily experience of life.  

    The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in the neck, just below the Adam's apple. In spite of being the size of a walnut, it is extremely powerful and important for health. It is a part of your endocrine system- a collection of glands that are hormone producing, and include your thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, etc.  

    However, while you can live without an ovary or a testicle, you cannot live without your thyroid’s hormones. Someone who has had the thyroid gland removed will need a daily dose of thyroid hormone for life.  

    It regulates temperature, metabolism, and cellular function in every part of the body. The thyroid affects every single one of your 100 trillion cells. You can think of it like a gas pedal for the body.

    There are a large number of different possible symptoms that can result from low thyroid:

    • Fatigue or tiredness that does not improve even with adequate sleep and rest
    • Feeling cold all the time and being slow in getting warmed up
    • Very dry skin 
    • Constipation, no matter how much fiber you get in your diet 
    • Weight gain or difficulty in losing weight
    • Chronic recurrent infections
    • Various aches and pains
    • Muscle or joint problems that are slow to heal
    • Sadness, moodiness, and even depression
    • Nails that are excessively brittle or crack or peel easily
    • Irregular menstruation in women
    • Very low sex drive
    • Hair loss that is diffuse and not just localized to one part of the scalp
    • Problems with your concentration or focus
    • Difficulty with your breathing
    • Palpitations or irregular heartbeat
    • Elevated cholesterol despite having a good diet and not having any history of high cholesterol or it running in the family
    • Needing excessive sleep 
    • Problems with fertility

    Here are some physical signs that also go along with low thyroid:

    • Low basal body temperature- The normal temperature should be at least 98.6, if you are more than one full degree below that consistently then that is unusual and could be a sign of thyroid issues.
    • Swelling of the hands or feet – the thyroid plays a very important role in fluid balance
    • Swelling of eyelids or bags under the eyes 
    • Swelling of the face
    • Diminished reflexes in the lower legs and/or ankles 
    • Extremely dry, rough or coarse skin
    • Loss of the outer one-third of the eyebrows bilaterally
    • Significant muscle weakness, in severe cases
    • Enlargement, asymmetry or nodules in the thyroid gland – these can be palpated during examination of the patient

    These are some of the potential signs and symptoms that go along with low thyroid, so you can see that there are a large number of different body functions and organ systems that are affected by the thyroid.

    Isn’t there a pill for that? 

    The standard treatment for low thyroid involves daily use of the synthetic thyroid hormone pills (Levothroid, others)… but there are two significant problems with this approach.

    Problem #1: There Can Be Side Effects

    Determining the proper dosage of this drug can take time, and you have to take the drug for LIFE. The drug can have interactions with other drugs, and there are potential side effects, including:

    • Fever
    • Hot Flashes 
    • Sensitivity to heat
    • Sweating 
    • Headache
    • Nervousness 
    • Irritability 
    • Nausea 
    • Insomnia 
    • Changes in appetite or changes in weight
    • Changes in menstrual cycle
    • and Temporary hair loss

    Problem #2: Drugs Don’t Address the ROOT CAUSES of Low Thyroid

    Since drugs can’t address the root causes of low thyroid, they may alleviate symptoms while the underlying pathology continues to progress.  

    This means that you are likely to experience worsening health issues over time that may become harder to treat.

    Obviously, this is UNACCEPTABLE.

    So, What’s the Real Solution for Thyroid Health?

    To really solve thyroid disorders, you have to know the 12 potential root causes, and which of them are specifically affecting you:

    Root Cause #1: Genetic predisposition

    Some people have a higher genetic tendency towards thyroid disorders. However, TENDENCY is not DESTINY, and there’s a lot that you can do to manage the manifestation of thyroid disease, even with a genetic predisposition.

    Root Cause #2: Nutritional Deficiencies

    Common nutritional deficiency of Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, or Zinc can contribute to thyroid disorders.

    Root Cause #3: Leaky Gut Syndrome or increased intestinal permeability

    Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of the most common causes of autoimmune disease, from allergies to thyroid disorder, and has to be addressed as part of an effective treatment.

    Root Cause #4: Dietary factors

    There is a category of foods that are known as “goitrogens,” and these foods can interfere with the production of thyroid hormone.

    Root Cause #5: Iodine and Halogens

    Your thyroid uses iodine to make thyroid hormone, and too much or too little iodine in your body can cause thyroid problems. Halogens are minerals that compete with iodine, and if there levels are too high they can affect the function of your thyroid.

    Root Cause #6: Food intolerances

    Symptoms of food intolerances or sensitivities may take up to 3 days to manifest, but they can contribute slowly to chronic inflammation in your body. When this inflammation builds up over time, it can affect your thyroid, or other organs or glands.

    Root Cause #7: Chronic Stress and the Fight or Flight Reaction

    We know that stress is often a precipitating factor that can trigger thyroid disease, and in fact, all autoimmune diseases. The problem is that the stress of modern life leads to people being in a “fight or flight” state most of the time. This causes elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol that have harmful consequences over time, These include elevation of blood sugar and blood pressure, promotion of inflammation, suppression of the immune system, and shutting down of digestion.

    Root Cause #8: Adrenal Hormone Imbalance

    If the thyroid is the gas pedal of the body, the adrenal is the gas tank. If the gas tank is empty, meaning the adrenal is low or depleted, it doesn’t matter if the gas pedal is to the floor – no matter how hard the thyroid works, the car will not go. That is why having optimal adrenal function in addition to good thyroid function is a prerequisite to having full energy and vitality.

    Root Cause #9: Infections

    Chronic infections can always contribute to inflammation in the body, thereby revving up your immune system and making it susceptible to autoimmune disease.

    Root Cause #10: Chronic inflammation

    Many of the root causes that we have just talked about can trigger inflammation in the body.These include food intolerances, infections, and leaky gut syndrome. Other causes can be injuries, dietary indiscretion, and a pro-inflammatory diet.

    Root Cause #11: Toxins

    Many toxins have been found specifically to affect thyroid function:

    • PCBs may increase Hashimoto’s antibodies
    • Pesticides can accelerate the breakdown of thyroid hormone
    • Fertilizers may inhibit iodine uptake
    • BPA can also block thyroid receptors
    • Flame retardants may bind to thyroid receptors preventing the real thyroid hormone from binding to proteins
    • Endocrine disrupting compounds are chemicals that interfere with your hormones

    Root Cause #12: Mercury

    Besides being generally toxic, mercury is a big driver of autoimmune disease, the number one cause of thyroid dysfunction. This is because mercury and iodine are quite similar on the molecular level. This resemblance means that your thyroid – which is great at absorbing available iodine in your body – is also quick to absorb and store mercury.

    To comprehensively address these 12 potential root causes of thyroid dysfunction, The Ayurveda Experience now offers you:

    So What Kind of Changes Result When You Address the Root Causes of Thyroid Disorders?

    If you struggle with a Thyroid disorder and haven’t found the resolution - you’re not alone.

    Fortunately, the “Science of Life” that is Ayurveda, provides a holistic understanding of the underlying causes of thyroid disorders, and gives us natural common sense approaches to create balance.  

    Combined with the insights of modern integrative and natural medicine, it provides a tremendous amount of support.  

    When you address the underlying causes of these imbalances:

    • You can restore peace and equanimity in your mind and emotions.
    • You’ll have more energy and be more available for your work and important relationships, creating deeper meaning and fulfillment in your life.
    • You’ll also improve your overall health, strengthen your digestion, balance your weight, support a healthy libido, and reduce the effects of premature aging. 

    Through the combination of Ayurvedic wisdom and modern integrative medicine that you’ll learn in this course, you'll finally have a path to address thyroid disorders through natural modalities of nutrition, herbs, and lifestyle practices.

    Meet Dr. Akil

    A pioneer in the world of integrative medicine, Dr. Akil is a Harvard-trained internal medicine specialist and an Ayurvedic practitioner. Dr. Akil practices at The Institute for Health and Healing in San Francisco- one of the oldest centers for integrative medicine in the United States.  

    He has worked with thousands of patients to help them heal and recover from chronic diseases using dietary changes and nutritional supplements. He blends his western medical training with holistic approaches including functional medicine and Ayurveda.

    Patients the world over love him for the compassion, insight, holistic approach and in-depth knowledge he brings to his work, successfully treating a wide variety of serious health conditions including anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, hormone imbalance, and stress-related illnesses. 


    • Dr. Akil studied Ayurveda in India at the Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam in Coimbatore
    • He did his residency training at Stanford University
    • He has a fellowship in integrative medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona
    • He is a speaker and community leader 
    • He is the author of a successful book “The Paleovedic Diet”  
    • In cooperation with The Ayurveda Experience, Dr. Akil is the author of the popular courses "Ayurveda & Autoimmune Diseases", "Ayurveda & The Paleo Diet", "Ayurveda - Chronic Stress, Anxiety and Depression" and "Ayurveda & Brain Health".

    “Being on Dr. Akil’s program, I learnt to solve the root of disease and think from a preventive point of view. After he successfully helped with my thyroid issues and thrombocytopenia, I feel compliant, energetic, balanced and full of hope. My platelet levels, which had dropped to 20,000 when I first started the program, have now normalized. Although I love traditional medicine, I also like the more holistic approach which Ayurveda and Dr. Akil offer. The best part about Dr. Akil is that he is interested in your spiritual and emotional health as well. He is interested in treating not just the disease but the whole person and that makes all the difference!”

    -Jeannie Hahne, Nurse

    Here’s exactly what Dr. Akil will cover in this 3-hour and 25-minutes long course:

    The Thyroid

    The thyroid, as a part of the endocrine system (a collection of glands that are hormone producing) has a range of functions in the body. It regulates temperature, metabolism, and cellular function in every part of the body. Every single one of your 100 trillion cells is affected by the thyroid. But what happens when your thyroid function is disrupted? Get to know about the common potential symptoms associated with low thyroid or hypothyroidism, and high thyroid or hyperthyroidism. 

    Autoimmune on the Rise

    Thyroid autoimmune diseases, just like other types of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease etc. are on the rise.

    But why?
    There are several factors including changes in the gut bacteria comprising the microbiome, increasing food allergies and sensitivities, chronic infections and the rise of toxins in the environment. These chemicals mimic hormones in our body, disrupt the function of our endocrine or hormone system, and assault the delicately balanced immune system that keeps us healthy. The immune system has to fight off invaders, but all the thousands of new chemicals it's faced with, lead to mixed messages, forcing the body to attack itself. You will learn how exposure to these toxins is THE impetus in the development and progression of autoimmune thyroid disease & read about a case study from one of Dr. Akil’s patients, and how he successfully managed her thyroid disorder.

    Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease

    In this module, Dr. Akil will give an in-depth medical explanation of the key hormones involved with the thyroid. You’ll learn exactly which hormones are involved to ensure the correct functioning of the thyroid – and what happens if their functioning is disrupted. 

    You’ll learn what to ask for specifically at the doctor’s office when testing for thyroid issues – and you’ll actually get to understand the significance of your results! 

    If clinical tests aren’t feasible for you right now, don’t worry, Dr. Akil will also show you a way to assess your own thyroid function by taking your basal body temperature using a thermometer. 

    Root Causes of Thyroid Disorders 

    There are many different root causes and factors that contribute to the development of thyroid disease. You’ve read the list above. These factors can cause both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The primary cause of each is actually autoimmune – Hashimoto’s disease for hypothyroidism and Graves’ disease for hyperthyroidism. Dr. Akil will discuss each root cause and share the solutions in this module.

    The Thyroid Detox Diet

    This 21-day cleansing diet will help you eliminate commonly problematic foods, increase your intake of nutrient-dense healing foods, and begin the process of detoxification and healing of your body. The regimen will help you increase energy, reduce inflammation, burn fat, and reverse disease. It will also help you identify foods that you are sensitive or intolerant to, during the reintroduction phase when you are bringing the specific foods back into your diet. 

    The goal of the Thyroid Detox Diet is to avoid the most allergenic foods, simplify your body’s digestive processes, and facilitate removal of toxins.


    Because toxins are such a big factor in the development of Hashimoto’s disease, Dr. Akil will talk more in-depth about detoxification. 

    You will: learn why sweating in a sauna or steam room is an effective way to stimulate toxin release through the skin, get to know about the ancient Ayurvedic therapy of oil-pulling; discover the neti pot and the practice of nasya to help cleanse your nasal passages; enjoy the relaxing yet energizing practice of Abhyanga or self-massage; and understand why you need to keep your lymphatic system fit to ensure a healthy immune system. You will: discover 8 Super Foods and supplements such as Beets, Flaxseeds, Garlic, Turmeric, Bentonite clay, Chlorella and more for daily detofixication; learn why keeping a strong Agni or digestive fire is so important for breaking down and absorbing nutrients; and, of course, understand why you need to balance your doshas.

    The Thyroid Diet

    The Thyroid Diet is the best long-term plan for managing weight, increasing energy, boosting metabolism, and achieving optimal thyroid function. This is assuming that you have completed the 21-day Thyroid Detox Diet. During this time, you should have determined which foods you are sensitive or intolerant to, and which foods you can tolerate, because you’ll need that knowledge for customizing the following diet. 

    You’ll learn which foods to avoid, which types of foods to eat every day, which types of foods to eat frequently, and rarely. You’ll also get some guidelines on what your meal portion sizes should look like.

    Botanical Remedies & Subtle Therapies

    Herbs and botanical remedies are a big part of Ayurveda. In this module, Dr. Akil will give his recommendations for certain herbs such as Ashwagandha and Guggulu that are supportive for thyroid issues. Besides herbal remedies, Dr. Akil will also recommend some supplements and subtle therapies – since stress and emotional and even spiritual factors can play a huge role in thyroid disease. You will learn about the benefits of Udana Vayu, Mantra Meditation and Yoga Asanas. 

    On ordering now, you also get an e-text Companion with the essentials of Dr. Akil's teachings - free of cost!

    This 88-page book accompanies the video course to help you get a concrete overview of what Dr. Akil will be teaching you. 

    You can continue your progress in the video even if you don’t have a device handy to watch the course, or you can watch the programme and meanwhile follow along in the book.

    You can use the book for a quick reference or to jot down your own notes and thoughts while you’re following the program so you can create your very own personal summary with the concepts you found most important! 

    The Thyroid Detox and General Thyroid Diets

    Because of the crucial importance of a healthy thyroid, Dr. Akil developed a 2-part Thyroid diet programme specifically to support his clients.

    Part 1: The Thyroid DETOX Diet

    This is a 21-day “reset” diet that helps your body to detoxify, reduce inflammation, and begin the process of managing your thyroid.

    Part 2: The Thyroid Diet

    This is an ongoing diet programme that will help you manage weight, stimulate the function of your thyroid, and support all the factors impairing and affecting the optimal performance of your thyroid.  

    In each of these diets, you’ll learn exactly which foods to eat and which foods to temporarily avoid.  

    You’ll also learn how to determine exactly which foods you have intolerance for and should avoid on an ongoing basis to reverse chronic systemic inflammation.

    Is This Course for Me?

    You’re not going to find such a comprehensive coverage of these topics by a world-renowned medical expert anywhere else. This programme is complete, well-organised, and comes to you in a simple and easy-to-watch format.

    This course is for you if: 

    • You have been diagnosed with ANY thyroid disease, or suspect you may have some level of thyroid dysfunction.
    • You’d simply like to optimise your energy and protect against thyroid dysfunction and other autoimmune diseases.
    • You’d want to heal leaky gut and other digestive issues at the root of chronic systemic inflammation. 
    • You’d like to improve your overall health, strengthen your digestion, balance your weight, support a healthy libido, and reduce the effects of premature aging.
    • You’d like to support the health of your family or friends, or introduce them to a holistic approach to thyroid disorders. 
    • You’re a medical practitioner interested in learning more about integrated treatment approaches to thyroid disorders

    This programme with >3 hours of powerful content is akin to several medical lectures made relatable and fun in Dr. Akil’s trademark warm and down-to-earth style. It’s filled with practical explanations and tools for supporting your gut and your mind.  

    “Dr. Akil provides a sage and easy to follow middle way that blends the best of medical science with the wisdom of ancestral traditions.” 

    -Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

    Not just this, also download your 
     COMPLIMENTARY Course Completion Certificate

    After you complete watching the course, your personalised Course Completion Certificate awaits you. 
     This can be easily downloaded and shared or printed.

    Get 1 course at Rs. 2,499


    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (lifetime access)

    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience

    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet)

    If you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s (or the less common Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s Disease), or suspect your thyroid levels may be impacting your health, you need this course now:

    Buy now to get a free E-Text Companion, Instant Access to the course and a 100% Satisfaction, 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

    How does this course help? 

    • A comprehensive and natural approach to understand and resolve the underlying causes of these dangerous and debilitating conditions.
    • And note the distinctions between the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha subtypes. Each type will each have a different emphasis in treatment
    • The most common correctable root causes of thyroid disease that are habitually overlooked. 
    • Which hormone levels you should have tested to get an ACCURATE and COMPLETE picture of your thyroid health. 
    • How to systematically test for food intolerances that contribute to chronic systemic inflammation and disease. 
    Rs. 2,499.00

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    “Dr. Akil has beautifully blended the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic principles of healing with the light of modern medicine, integrated so that anyone can use it for his or her total healing.”

    Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., internationally recognised Ayurvedic physician, Author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing and Textbook of Ayurveda.

    Why is This Programme So Essential?

    Thyroid disease and other autoimmune diseases have steadily been on the rise, and allopathic treatment is currently limited to drugs and surgery that have potentially serious side effects without addressing the root causes of the disorder.

    Did you know? 

    • More than 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.
    • An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease.
    • Up to 60% of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.
    • Women are 5 to 8 times more likely than men to have thyroid problems. 
    • 1 woman in 8 will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.
    • Undiagnosed thyroid disease may put patients at risk for certain serious conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and infertility.
    • Pregnant women with undiagnosed or inadequately treated hypothyroidism have an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery, and severe developmental problems in their children.


    Through this course, you will learn:

    • A comprehensive and natural approach to understand and resolve the underlying causes of these dangerous and debilitating conditions. 
    • The most common correctable root causes of thyroid disease that are habitually overlooked.
    • How to approach these conditions from an Ayurvedic perspective and note the distinctions between the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha subtypes. Each type will each have a different emphasis in treatment. 
    • Which hormone levels you should have tested to get an ACCURATE and COMPLETE picture of your thyroid health.
    • 1 woman in 8 will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.
    • Undiagnosed thyroid disease may put patients at risk for certain serious conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and infertility.
    • How to systematically test for food intolerances that contribute to chronic systemic inflammation and disease. 

    The format for this course is high definition video that you can instantly stream digitally in The Ayurveda Experience member portal.


    There is not one, but many reasons for you to begin with this course, not just today, but right away. 

    First of all, this is THE ONLY COURSE of its kind which combines modern medical wisdom with Ayurvedic knowledge when it comes to Thyroid Health. And then there is:


    Of course, the cost advantage with the introductory discount is huge and why would you not want to study such an interesting, in-depth and useful programme and also save so much off your investment?  

    The cost of consulting with Dr. Akil directly would obviously far exceed the investment in this course, and yet, when you watch these videos, Dr. Akil will give you his best in an organised, step-by-step structure.


    If you have a busy schedule or other practical limitations, other classes might be too far away, too expensive or impractical due to time constraints. With this course, you face none of these issues - you learn where you want to, when you want to and at a price which is really affordable.

    (Doubt that? Check out the prices of courses around and calculate the investment you need to make in terms of money and time, and of course, the ambiguity of the quality of content that you’ll get. The cost of making all the effort of going to a class only to find little to learn or implement, well… is huge.) 


    Get instant HD access to the course on The Ayurveda Experience platform. Simply log in and access all your courses anytime. Watch them on any device: desktop, smartphone and tablet. You can easily download the videos to your device so you can watch them without internet connection. Watch your course in the comfort of your home or while you're on the go!


    Also, most importantly, finding a real, authentic practitioner with years of clinical experience is challenging. Not only does Dr. Akil offer you this, but he is coming from the Ayurvedic perspective. So instead of cobbling together bits and pieces of research to create a quick order “detox system,” he rests his prognosis in the ancient science of Ayurveda that is duly verified by modern science and integrative medicine.

    “Long before Evolution via Natural Selection became the dominant paradigm of biology, traditional cultures developed sophisticated systems for understanding nature and human health. In India this system is called Ayurveda, which means “knowledge of life.” Dr. Akil has integrated our original human diet (Paleo) with the insights of Ayurveda to offer a framework whereby we may optimize our nutrition and lifestyle.”

    Robb Wolf, New York Times-best-selling author of The Paleo Solution

    Here's our promise to you:

    “I have been a patient of Dr Akil for over a year. I was having a lot of problems with respiratory allergies when I came to him, something that had troubled me for a long time. Allergy specialists would keep putting me on different medications which were really expensive and which I didn’t enjoy taking. When I came to Dr Akil, he took a whole range of blood tests and recommended customized practices and supplements. A year later, my snoring has stopped, I feel much better and refreshed when I wake up, I have better sleep, and my allergies are much better managed. What was very interesting to me was that the blood tests ordered by Dr Akil also showed I had elevated liver enzymes – something I would not have linked with the allergies. Dr Akil put me on corrective therapies to heal my liver as well and six months later, two of those abnormal values fell within range. I now plan to continue with Ayurvedic healing for life!”

    Henri Folse, Health Economics Consultant

    Get 1 course at Rs. 2,499


    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (lifetime access)

    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet) Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience

    Ayurveda & Thyroid Health (Ayurveda on Root Causes of Thyroid, Diagnosis of Thyroid, Thyroid Diet)

    If you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s (or the less common Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s Disease), or suspect your thyroid levels may be impacting your health, you need this course now:

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    • A comprehensive and natural approach to understand and resolve the underlying causes of these dangerous and debilitating conditions.
    • And note the distinctions between the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha subtypes. Each type will each have a different emphasis in treatment
    • The most common correctable root causes of thyroid disease that are habitually overlooked. 
    • Which hormone levels you should have tested to get an ACCURATE and COMPLETE picture of your thyroid health. 
    • How to systematically test for food intolerances that contribute to chronic systemic inflammation and disease. 
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    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
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    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    Ayurveda All Access - Subscription to All Ayurveda Video Courses Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience

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    Rs. 30,000.00

    Rs. 1,999.00

    Are you READY to optimise your thyroid, and revitalise your health and well-being with your next meal? 

    You are just one step away.  

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