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    Discover the Simplest 3-Step Process Ever
    That Will Make the Rest of Your Life a Guaranteed Healthier and Happier Experience!

    • Baffle your friends and everyone around you with your stunning personality and the glow of perfect health radiating from your face
    • Find out about your personality type and learn things about your own self you had no idea about
    • Uncover the hidden cause behind a lot of your physical and psychological issues
    • Find the easiest and the most natural ways to smoothen out your complex life and maintain perfect health
    • There is indeed a right time for everything, but the same time is not right for everyone! Get the perfect customised schedule for the right time to perform daily activities specifically for you!
    • This reforming, skepticism-shunning course by Lissa Coffey comes with a Pay What You Want Offer. You can choose the price you want to pay for the course!

    What to eat, what to avoid, what is the right body work for you, which is the most suitable meditation technique for you, how to take care of yourself the natural way, the secret mantras to suit your needs – everything you can think of is right here.


    Anyone who tells you that you can live a perfectly healthy life without any exercise is absolutely deluded! Yes, everyone needs exercise, but are all exercises good for everyone? Find out what those certain poses particularly good for your type are and exercise the correct way.


    Are you sure you’re including all the required elements of food in your and your family’s daily diet? Well, this module will make sure you do! Learn about the 6 Fundamental Categories food is divided into and how you must include them in your daily diet.


    Ayurveda provides holistic health solutions, and breath and energy form a very important part of healthy living. In this module, you'll learn the meaning of ‘Prana’ and share different Pranayama exercises with you.


    Did you know that food is not the only culprit behind weight gain?! In this module, you'll discover other secret sources of weight gain which you can begin controlling immediately! You'll also learn about Massage and other forms of Ayurvedic self-care.

    Ayurveda recognises how unique you are with your own individual combination of Doshas. By empowering you with in-depth knowledge of your Dosha, The Ayurveda Experience will help you truly understand your real personality, and then appreciate your strengths and weaknesses or Prakruti and Vikruti. (These concepts will be covered in detail in the programme.)

    This is only possible through in-depth knowledge of the Science of Life: Ayurveda. Once the knowledge is acquired and you recognise, understand and appreciate your true self, you then know how to correctly adapt and optimise your lifestyle to attain that perfect balance. We have converted this 3-step process of:

    Into a very easy to understand and entertaining to watch HD video course

    Meet the author - Lissa Coffey

    Lissa Coffey is a lifestyle and relationship expert who serves up an inspiring blend of ancient wisdom and modern style. She’s been living an Ayurvedic lifestyle since researching her first book, “The Healthy Family Handbook,” in 1996. Lissa appears frequently on television and radio and contributes to many national publications with her insightful and compassionate approach to modern-day issues.

    Lissa Coffey is a certified instructor with The Chopra Center. Deepak Chopra says: “Coffey brings the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to a contemporary audience and shows us how to discover more about ourselves and our relationship.”

    In 2005 she was awarded a commendation from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa for her “Outstanding Contribution to the Yoga Community.”In 2012 AAPNA (Association of Ayurvedic Professionals North America) awarded Lissa the “Dharma Award” for “Excellence in Promoting Awareness of Ayurveda.”

    Deepak Chopra

    Indian-American author, holistic health/New Age guruager

    "Coffey brings the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to a contemporary audience and shows us how to discover more about ourselves and our relationship."

    Neale Donald Walsch

    Author of Conversations with God

    "Lissa Coffey brings huge wisdom to the task at hand - the task called life. And wisdom is always a wonderful gift."

    Marianne Williamson

    Author: 'A Return to Love'

    “This is one of those everyday miracles that shows us practical and easy ways to care for our own health and the health of our families.”

    599 INR / 999 INR / 1499 INR

    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work Educational Videos The Ayurveda Experience

    The Ayurveda Experience - Fundamentals of Ayurveda on Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Beauty and Body Work

    Over 400,000 people have 'chosen' the 'Ayurveda way of Life' Purchase the online course now and get a FREE PDF Text Companion and INSTANT digital access to the entire course (which means that you can watch the course online on your desktop or mobile!)

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    Choose your price (599 INR / 999 INR / 1499 INR) from the drop-down menu below!

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    Rs. 599.00

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    Skepticism Erased

    I have to admit I was a little skeptical about purchasing this web package but after the first couple of episodes, I was hooked and learning way more than I thought I would! The information is true, well taught and easily absorbed through the videos going into more depth as the lessons go on. Im learning more about myself and my imbalances and my digestion has already improved greatly as well as my mental health. I am very satisfied and am going to continue my quest for Ayurvedic knowledge. Many thanks

    - Caitlin R.

    Fantastic and Beyond Expectations!

    Hello, My name is Sally and I have been in the holistic world since 1997. I would highly recommend this course. It is easy to follow whether you are a beginner or have some education or experience. Lissa Coffey is the perfect teacher for this course. Her videos are exquisite and keep you visually stimulated the entire time. Not only is Lissa professional and attractive, her voice and teaching style are soothing. Every time I logged in it felt like I was on a fancy retreat and was very therapeutic. This was the perfect get away "Me time" that truly gave me something that will last a life time. An education! The course is so full of information, I will have to go back and re listen a few times. You get 3 times more for your money than what you pay and it is truly generous. The videos are downloadable too along with bonus footage and very pretty PDF text companion with photos. Again, I highly recommend this course and give it my full endorsement.

    - Sally O.

    One of the best Holistic education courses I've ever used!

    I have always been interested in Ayurveda, but programs were very expensive or very long. I couldn't find a program I was comfortable investing money into.By chance, I happened to see an ad for The Ayurveda Experience. Since we're all social distancing, I figured I would need something to keep my mind occupied. I am blown away! The course is very informative, packed with information without being overwhelming! I'm learning a lot better with small videos in the modules than just having huge chunks thrown at me. I can stop & play it as I need & the text companion is beautifully written!I'm glad I bought this course & I shared it with my friends!

    - Mina

    You've captured my attention!

    I absolutely LOVE the AE Program! It's so easy to follow, Lissa Coffey is a very knowledgable teacher as she breaks things down and provides slides. I am very impressed with the videography, background and how the dancers add such an artistic demonstration of this ancient practice.This is great for someone that has a busy schedule as I can watch as I eat and listen as I drive.Thank you for providing these mindful programs.

    -Cherish D.

    Beautiful and Informative!

    This course was super informative. The workbook was very thorough and the videos were simply stunning and kept me engaged. I learned so much information that I am using in my own life.Thank you for offering this I am very happy to have found it!

    - Gina B.

    Lovely Experience!

    Plentiful information, well structured! The lady that is leading the course is very pleasant and she talks with a soft, sweet voice. I would recommend the course to both, those that begin their journey with Ayurveda and to those that would like to deepen their understanding of Ayurveda, like me!

    - Borislava Y. 






    Candace Pert

    PhD, author: ‘Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine’

    “Lissa Coffey walks her talk, and now has written a beautiful and clear book to teach us the most advanced and ancient ideas about achieving the perfect balance that results in the kind of health that helps us look, feel and be our very blessed best! She is an amazing woman and I am thrilled to recommend her course!”

    Lothar Schäfer

    Author ‘Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live’

    “Lissa Coffey has created a treasure of a handbook with countless practical suggestions based on the teachings of Ayurveda, showing us how we can eat, live, sleep, and interact with other people to find and maintain a balanced lifestyle. When we are naturally in balance, as Lissa suggests, we feel good, look good, and do good.”

    On ordering now, not only will you get full access to the entire course, YOU WILL ALSO GET ACCESS TO OUR SPECIAL LIBRARY OF WEBINAR SESSIONS.

    You will get another 7 hours of highly valuable content through interviews with 7 top Ayurvedic Experts in the USA at a price that you choose, today!  

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