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  • Tibetan Blissful Sleep

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    Achieve that idyllic state of deep relaxation, enhance sleep quality, and boost your overall quality of life with a remarkable 3-step technique that’s instantly-calming, anxiety-dissipating and quality sleep-inducing...

    Get instant digital access to the
    entire course (which means you can watch the course online on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet!)
    and get a free e-text companion too.

    10-day money back guarantee


    About the Course

    • Enhance your sleep quality
    • Build stamina, experience pleasure and enjoy perfect sleep
    • Eliminate the stresses and strains that hinder great sleep
    • Wake up feeling fresh and energized
    • Deal effectively with negative emotions
    • Increase your longevity
    • Feel lighter
    • Look younger


    Do you know what improper, inadequate sleep can do to you? Here’s what it does:

    • Stops you from realizing your full potential
    • Affects concentration, mental alertness, focus, reasoning ability, and learning ability
    • Decreases libido
    • Contributes to unhealthy weight gain, and conditions such as diabetes, depression and hypertension
    • Accelerates aging
    • Affects testosterone levels in males


    Why adequate, quality sleep is important

    Lack of sleep can take a toll on your brain’s ability to function normally.

    Just a single night without sleep can result in mind-boggling side-effects – irritability, grogginess, forgetfulness, inability to focus or concentrate, etc, continued or prolonged lack of adequate and timely sleep can affect the part of the brain that controls memory, language and planning functions.

    As startling as it may sound, 17 hours of sustained wakefulness can have the same effect on your performance as a blood alcohol level of 0.05% (equivalent to two bottles of wine).

    Ayurveda, the ancient Indian Science of Life, offers a holistic perspective in dealing with sleep disorders.

    Here’s how Ayurveda can ensure sound, peaceful sleep

    An evidence-based system addressing not just physical but also mental and spiritual health of all living beings, Ayurveda offers unique and reliable solutions to sleep-related issues.

    Unlike the modern, pill-based medical system, it helps you get rid of the problem for good by getting to its root cause.

    Ayurveda refers to sleep as the “wet nurse to the world,” because of its immensely nurturing, nourishing and regenerative properties.

    If you want to enjoy that blissful state of deep sleep and enhance your well-being and overall quality of your life…

    Bank on the ultimate soporific benefits of this course to serenade you to that ultimate retreat.

    If you want to relish those 7-8 hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep without having to rely on any kind of medication…

    Trust this as-natural-as-lullabies course to help you sleep like a baby again.

    By combining the trusted and proven benefits of Reflexology and a specialized Tibetan Marma sequence, The Ayurveda Experience proudly presents to you:

    Tibetan Blissful Sleep

    This thoughtfully-designed, anxiety-dissipating, instantly-calming 3-part protocol takes its recipient effortlessly into that idyllic state of deep relaxation and rest.

    From educating you about the mesmerizing Foot Reflexology technique, the Vata-pacifying Abdominal Massage and the specialized Tibetan marma sequence to surprising you with simple, fail-proof sleep hacks and juicy insights about the connection between Ayurveda and Sleep, this transformative course promises to help you get rid of the stresses and strains that hinder great sleep.

    This timely course has been authored by Robert Sachs and Melanie Sachs – people who are considered to be the pioneers of the Ayurvedic Beauty and Spa Industry in the US.

    Why this course is GREAT for home use

    Even if you’re not a professional spa therapist, following the tips and tweaks taught in this incredible course can prove to be a great value addition for you. In fact, you can also use this course to help your near and dear ones get rid of stress and enjoy that blissful slumber.

    Picture this: 

    After what’s been a long day, your better half gets back home, all exhausted and sapped of energy. And as a pleasant, much-deserved surprise, gets to experience this calming yet rejuvenating 3-step technique.


    1. Relief from stress and strain
    2.  A relaxed mind and body
    3.  Clarity of mind
    4.  Improved mood
    5.  Enhanced sleep quality
    6. A rejuvenated, reinvigorated, happy feeling on getting up the next morning

    All these in turn further bolster the relationships and facilitate healthy atmosphere at home. 

    Besides, by following this simple yet highly efficient and 3-step tecnique, you get to explicitly express your care and affection for your loved ones and strengthen your bonds further.

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

    These iconic, ever-so-relevant lines of the legendary American poet Maya Angelou aptly describe the power of making your special ones feel just that – SPECIAL. And what better way to do so than by way of this gratifying technique.

    The icing on the cake – The benefits of this secret technique are not limited to just promoting a sense of peace and calm.

    Instead, they are far-reaching and go a long way in improving the overall quality of one’s life.


    Get instant digital access to the
    entire course (which means you can watch the course online on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet!)
    and get a free e-text companion too.

    10-day money back guarantee

    About the Authors

    Melanie Sachs

    Melanie is internationally recognized as one of the most prominent authorites for the application of Ayurveda to the beauty world. Her articles have been featured in a number of nationally syndicated magazines, including Skin, Inc., Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, and Natural Health and is also the co-author of the only, best selling course on Kansa: Ayurveda's Best Kept Healing and Beauty Secret - a phenomenon that has now reached and spread awareness to over 11 Million people with our efforts.

    A certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, Melanie Sachs' skill as a teacher and therapist have made her sought after by some of the world's leading spas and beauty schools.  

    She has been a featured presenter at the International Esthetics and Cosmetics Conference in Las Vegas, The International Congress of Esthetics in Miami and Long Beach, the Face and Body Show in the California Bay Area. She is and has been a featured teacher and consultant for noted organizations like The Chopra Center, the Greenhouse Group, and The International Dermal Institute worldwide. Both Melanie and her husband Robert are also featured instructors at the Mahindra Institute and Primavera Life in Germany.  

    Although Ayurvedic knowledge is at least 5000 years old, Ayurveda's principles and practical body care techniques still offer deep-reaching solutions to some of the most common present day problems. Melanie has developed many of these unique techniques into successful spa services that her students often say are just as soothing and healing to give as to receive. Melanie is committed to promoting these treatments in a manner that is in keeping with tradition, yet at the same time, being well-matched to modern needs and spa treatment settings. 

    Robert Sachs

    Robert Sachs is a licensed Clinical Social Worker (Unversity of Kentucky), a certified LifeLine Practitioner, a licensed Massage Therapist (Central Ohio School of Massage) and an author, with a Masters in Social Work. Robert has long been a student of Tibetan Buddhist masters and is now an expert on a study of Asian healing systems. Robert is the co-author of the only, best selling course on Kansa: Ayurveda's Best Kept Healing and Beauty Secret - a phenomenon that has now reached and spread awareness to over 11 Million people with our efforts.


    • is also a guest instructorfor the Chopra Center for Well-Being in San Diego and a lecturer in Tibetan Medicine for the Sino-American Rehabilitation Association College in Los Angeles
    • continues to study the practical preventative health care aspects of Tibetan medicine under the guidance of Tibetan Buddhist master, Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
    • studied Macrobiotics with Michio Kushi and Rex Lassalle at the Kushi Institute and completed Shiatsu training with Rex Lassalle
    • became certified as a Hatha Yoga instructorwith the All India Board and Inner London Education Authority in 1978
    • has also been trained as a Mental Health Counselor with the Richmond Fellowship
    • was instrumental in starting the Community Health Foundation’s "Growing Family Center" in London.  

    For the last thirty-five years, Robert has worked with physicians, clinics, hospitals, and private individuals and organizations teaching stress management and preventive health care. He is sought after as a lecturer at holistic health care conferences nationally and has hosted his own talk radio show. He has written numerous articles for national and international health magazines and 7 books, all focusing on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  


    Course Contents

    Module 1: Introduction
    • Why you should nip the problem of insomnia in the bud at the earliest
    • Remaining awake is not the be-all and end-all of sleep deprivation. Find out different forms of improper and inadequate sleep
    • Unravel the benefits of the three high-powered, soothing phases of the Tibetan Blissful Sleep treatment method

    Module 2: The Power of Sleep

    2.1  What happens when you sleep

    • Why you can’t afford to miss your regular dose of good quality sleep

    2.2 Doshas and Sleep

    • Find out how Dosha imbalance can be affecting your sleep or giving you those disturbing nightmares
    • Get right down to the root of the Insomnia menace-  Learn how to effectively deal with your sleep issue by taking appropriate measures, depending on your Dosha.

    2.3 Other practical things you can do to…

    • Discover the excellent, effective and easy-to-implement hacks to ensure enjoy sound and restful sleep

    Module 3: Tibetan Blissful Sleep Sequence

    3.1. Different Types of Oils

    • Learn about and understand the different types of remarkable, potent oils you can use to supercharge your Tibetan Blissful Sleep treatment method

    3.2 Space Setup

    • Get down to the nitty-gritty – Don’t forget these must-haves to fail-proof your treatment method


    • Learn how to properly position the receivers to not just eliminate discomfort but also enhance the treatment effects

    # Reflexology (Ayurvedic Marma Work on the Feet)

    • Help the receivers attain that deep state of relaxation and uninterrupted sleep with the power of reflexology.
    • Work on the Gut Feeling – Learn the proven process of ultra-calming ‘Marma work on the feet’ to aid the receivers’ digestion process and facilitate the elimination of toxins.

    #2. Tibetan-style Abdominal Massage Sequence

    • Find out how to rightly position the receivers before starting with the Abdominal Massage therapy
    • Discover how to make the most of the warmth, the oil and the repetitive predictable strokes to calm the extra ‘Vata’ energy

    #3. Dzub Nyin Sequence for Insomnia

    Learn more about a time-honored Tibetan sequence – Understand how applying gentle pressure on a series of Marma points, specifically for Insomnia, can deliver immediate results.

    Benefits of the Marma Points in this Sequence

    Module 4: Conclusion

    Thank You Note by Melanie Sachs

    Bonus 1: Breathing Exercises

    1. Often find yourself being confused, frustrated or angry? About time you calmed down for good-Learn to masterfully deal with negative emotions such as confusion and frustration
    2. Find out about the 3 poisons, according to the Tibetan tradition, that affect the mind
    3. Know about the 3 channels mentioned in Yoga
    4. Discover effective ways to relish restful sleep and feel a lot lighter

    Bonus 2: Tibetan Rejuvenation Exercises

    1. Get into the nitty-gritty of the 6 stress-busting Tibetan Rejuvenation exercises
    2. Find out how you can create clarity, smooth out the channels and give greater elasticity to the body
    3. Unravel the benefits of 5 fundamental exercises to slow down the aging process
    4. Know how you can effectively channelize your sexual energy and boost your chances of reversing the aging process

    Bonus 3: Energy in the Spine

    • A sedentary lifestyle can play significant role in making you feel exhausted or drained. Find out how you can wake up feeling well-rested.

    • Learn simple but highly effective exercises to increase circulation in different parts of your body and feel relaxed and more comfortable

    • Get to know how you can smooth out the energy in your spine

    • Learn how to banish the feelings of tightness and stiffness, and release tension from different parts of the body, including the legs, arms and upper body.

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