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  • When And How To Drink Water As Per Ayurveda?

    When And How To Drink Water As Per Ayurveda?

    An old Indian saying goes, "If there is water, there is life," and the Charak Samhita equates water to nectar. Water makes up up to 60% of the human body; it is essential to our existence and provides us with sustenance. It is one of the top five elements (Pancha Mahabhutas). Water represents movement and fluidity. It is crucial for several body functions, including hydration, nutrition, and toxin removal. Although drinking water is generally healthy, Ayurveda goes a step further and describes how one can get the most out of the simple liquid.

    What is the Ayurvedic Perspective on Water?

    Water signifies the lunar element and Soma (nourishing and cooling quality). It is Tridoshic. because it possesses properties that can properly balance all three doshas. In addition, according to Ayurveda, water has the following properties: it is Mrushta (pure), Jeevena (refreshing and energising), Tarpana (filling and satiating), Hrudya (helpful for heart health) and Bhuddiprabhodana (activates mind).

    Water has a variety of health advantages when properly absorbed by the body, including the capacity to cool, aid in digestion, provide radiance, detox, have an antioxidant effect, reduce constipation, and boost stamina.

    To reap the benefits of drinking water, however, requires more than just walking to the kitchen and pouring yourself a glass. The amount of water to drink and its temperature are influenced by a number of variables, including body type, age, daily activity, etc. Similar to this, it's crucial to drink water the right way. According to Ayurveda, how water is consumed can have a big impact on someone's health.

    Different doshas and water:

    Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas upon which Ayurveda medicines are based. These doshas are thought to be in responsible for a person's overall physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Thus, Ayurveda makes the following connections between the doshas and how a person should drink water based on thousands of years of traditions and scriptures. The effects of water on the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are as follows.

    Pitta dosha: The body's metabolism, digestion, and transformation are all attributed to the Pitta dosha (fire and water). People with the Pitta dosha have a variety of characteristics, like being hot, oily, light, sharp, etc. It is essential to calm and regulate the Pitta because it can become inflamed and lead to the production of extra stomach acid, heartburn, etc. Ayurveda advises drinking enough water throughout the day, ideally at room temperature, to maintain heat and digestive health.

    Vata dosha: According to Ayurveda, the cool and dry Vata dosha (air and space) is related to the mind-body element. It controls all movements and bodily functions like breathing and blood circulation. People may have problems like constipation, poor digestion, weakness, etc. when there is a Vata imbalance. As a result, Ayurveda advises Vata dosha sufferers to drink water an hour after eating. Vata is cool, and heat promotes digestion, thus people must drink water after meals.

    Kapha dosha: The lubrication of the mind and body as well as structure, weight and maintenance of body fluids are all attributed to the Kapha dosha (earth and water). It is heavy, smooth, cool, soft, slow, stable, and moist. Overeating is a tendency among those with the Kapha dosha. Ayurveda advises drinking water before to meals to lower the chances of overeating.

    Six rules of drinking water the Ayurvedic way:

    In order to experience and profit from drinking water and its medicinal and therapeutic health benefits, a person can follow some special tips and tricks that are mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures, conventional medicine, and therapeutic practises. Here are some suggestions for water consumption the Ayurvedic way:

    Timing your water intake: Ayurveda mentions Ushapana. Ushapana can be described as a morning ritual in which one drinks water first. The procedure is thought to naturally detox the body, remove toxins from the body, and aid in the eradication of illnesses. Ushapana, according to practitioners of traditional medicine, may also aid in boosting metabolism, preventing constipation, and reducing food intake in the morning.

    In order to regulate aggravated doshas, it is necessary to limit water intake. Water consumption at the right times before and after meals is also very essential. To prevent excess food intake, for instance, Kapha dosha individuals should drink water prior to meals. Similar to this, Vata sufferers are recommended to drink water an hour after a meal to ensure that the body has enough heat energy for the food to be properly digested. Similar to this, Ayurveda advises Pitta dosha individuals to consume water at any time of the day to balance Agni (heat) and digestive health. Drinking water at the right time can aid in weight loss, detoxification, and improved digestion.

    Sit and drink: Our health depends on the quality of water we consume and at what time. In a similar way, how we consume water is crucial. We overlook the reality that there is a proper way to drink water in our daily lives. According to Ayurveda, a person should only consume it while seated. The cause of it is that standing while drinking water may disturb the fluid equilibrium in our bodies and result in fluid accumulation. According to Ayurveda, sitting down causes the nervous system and muscles to relax, which enables the body to effectively absorb and digest nutrients and other liquids. Therefore, altering positions while drinking water can have a big positive impact on individuals.

    Take small sips, do not chug: Sip, swallow, breathe, repeat. The speed and way in which one should consume water are additional considerations made by Ayurveda when discussing proper hydration. Ayurveda texts and experts advise against gulping down water all at once, instead advocating modest, frequent sips. Ayurveda specifically advises people with Pitta dosha to consume small sips of water while having meals to prevent its aggravation in order to control the Agni (heat) and digestive health.

    The right temperature of water: The benefits of the water we consume are significantly influenced by its temperature. Drinking water that has been heated to a particular temperature may have therapeutic benefits on the person. Drinking water at normal temperature or when it is warm is advised by Ayurveda. Water that has been boiled has a stronger flavour and provides advantages that plain or ice-cold water cannot. As a result, Ayurveda advises against drinking ice-cold water since it disrupts the digestion process and extinguishes the fire. Although warm water improves weight loss, helps with digestion, and minimizes bloating. According to Ayurveda, those with a Kapha dosha tend to overeat. In these situations, drinking warm or hot water can be quite helpful because it makes you feel full and prevents fat from accumulating. Warm water has been shown in a 2016 study to help with better digestion, bowel movements, and gas expulsion.

    Drink when your body needs it: There are numerous claims that one should consume at least 8 to 9 glasses of water each day, however this may not always be the true. It's important to think whether a person should consume water at regular intervals or only when they feel thirsty. According to Ayurveda, one should only drink water when they are truly thirsty. There is no set amount of water that everyone should consume because everyone is different.

    In Ayurveda, thirst is seen as Vega (an urge), and it is vital to satisfy a natural urge. Therefore, it is wrong to unnecessarily arouse an urge. As a result, according to Ayurveda, people should drink water whenever they feel thirsty. According to Ayurveda, drinking too much water might lead to indigestion and worsen Ama (a toxin or undigested metabolic waste) that the body produces as a result of its inefficient metabolism. Water cools the fire element, which is important to digest meals and burn fat, thus this is true for people trying to lose weight. This does not imply that people should intentionally dehydrate themselves; rather, they should follow their thirst.

    Storing drinking water: In addition, Ayurvedic texts and traditional practices also offer insights into the right way of storing water we drink. Ayurveda suggests that the drinking water must be kept in a copper (Tamba) vessel as it can purify and positively charge the water with antioxidants and infuse anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, rather than placing drinking water in plastic bottles and stocking them in the fridge, a person can opt for a copper container.

    Water is necessary for the survival and effective operation of every organ in the body. Both excess and lack of water can have a negative impact on our daily lives and pose serious health risks. We must therefore comprehend the value of drinking water and the fact that there is a method to enhance its use. Thus, the next time you see a glass of water, make sure to recognise its advantages and consume it correctly.

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