Discover the ancient science that gifts you a superior life through natural healing modalities, sustainable wellness practices and custom diet and lifestyle designs for your unique, individual self- Discover Ayurveda
Unique plan with access to over 70+ hours of HD video-based content, deeply-researched by experts in the field of Ayurveda and holistic health with overall experience of 100+ years!
Now, get access to 17+ courses worth Rs. 30,000 for less than Rs. 7/- a day, billed monthly! With FREE PDF Text Companions and INSTANT digital access!
Get introduced to effective mantras that would reprogramme
your gut bacteria using natural foods and probiotics.
Our Harvard trained expert, Dr. Akil takes you through 5 well designed
modules that are easy to understand and follow!
Heal your Leaky Gut to deal with Thyroid
Get the 2-step Thyroid Detox and Thyroid Diet program to correct thyroid imbalances
Discover the Ayurvedic Wisdom to help identify the Root Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction and Optimize Your Weight, Energy, and Health.
Ayurveda on Root Causes, History, Management and Complete Reversal of all Diabetes types with deep dive on diet and lifestyle recommendations
Learn how to identify the root cause of high blood sugar and tailor your diet to your specific needs… without having to give up on your favourite food!
Powerful Ayurvedic approach to manage 5 common Autoimmune Disorders
Understand the Deep-Rooted Causes of Poor Health, Overcome Roadblocks to an Energetic and Healthy Life And Discover the Ayurvedic Wisdom on Preventing and Managing Autoimmune Conditions
Any Yoga Practice is Incomplete without this
“Get" the operating system of Ayurveda to Discover and develop the habits for longevity and dynamic aging
You CAN make small changes and sync personal patterns with circadian rhythms to reverse engineer habits which in turn lead to a healthier body and a better aging experience.
Plan your transitions from one stage of life to another in synergy with nature.
Combining knowledge from Ayurveda, Chinese, and herbal medicine, this course is a composite approach to hitting the reset button on your life.
Discover the unique perspective of holistic healing traditions on aging with specific techniques from Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to fortify yourself against accelerated aging and unnatural degeneration and maintain vitality, energy, and strength.
Ayurveda & The Paleo Diet is a one of a kind course by a Harvard M.D. revealing a unique diet plan that combines the principles of Ayurveda and the Paleo Diet.
Health-promoting secrets of long-lived societies, addresses every major question you might have about nutrition and dispels myths about grains and gluten, protein, good and bad fats, and exactly which fruits and vegetables to eat.
Enhance health and strength, increase energy, support general well-being & longevity and relieve stress.
A complete step-by-step, detailed guide on Kansa, on how to use the Kansa tools to achieve the best results
Experience this Ayurvedic Secret to get an instant beauty enhancement and breathe new life into your skin to look younger, more alive and vibrant. Undergo a one-of-a-kind experience of healing, deep relaxation, complete rejuvenation and revitalization with revived energy
Experience symptom free health
Ayurvedic strategies to amplify your happy hormones
Explore Ayurvedic wisdom to ensure a smooth monthly cycle and healthy functioning of body tissue systems. Learn how to handle symptoms like cramps, painful periods, scanty menses, hot flashes, nausea, anxiety and other symptoms related to your reproductive system.
Learn how Ayurveda looks at Digestion.
Discover the Ayurvedic knowledge about the Digestive fire or Agni, the importance and the 4 types of Agni and the function of transformation.
If you’re depending on medication and resorting to short-term solutions to fix digestive issues, this course is going to open your eyes to what’s really going on inside you and will open a new pathway for you to know what you really need.
Watch Ayurveda’s Secret to Longevity Unfold Step by Step…
Discover Your Body's Secret, Self-Healing Points And Learn To Activate Them Using Ancient, Ayurvedic Sagacity!
A signature technique of world renowned practitioners Robert and Melanie Sachs, this is a very unique and effective, immediate-results oriented protocol.
A basic course on the fundamentals of Ayurveda.
Perfect for beginners to learn the theory behind the science.
What to eat, what to avoid, what is the right bodywork for you, which is the most suitable meditation technique for you, how to take care of yourself the natural way, the secret mantras to suit your needs - everything you can think of is right here!
Everyone thrives only in their own, unique climate
Learn the all-important ‘Three-Things-That-Must-be-Known’ in order to heal and rejuvenate
Learn practical pathway to balance your doshas – and some of these are unexpected little surprises. Also, discover the two hidden places where disease really begins, no matter where it manifests.
An eye-opening program that shows you how to tackle and steer clear from the many diseases and ailments associated with Metabolic Syndrome.
If you would like to enhance your family’s health naturally and holistically, if you’d like to learn a more targeted, effective way of healing your entire system, wake up each day with renewed energy, mental clarity and a sense of well-being, come and join Todd in strengthening your metabolic fire and changing your life.
Learn Ayurvedic and Tibetan Protocols that make for a unique, unheard-of "Psycho-Spiritual" Massage experience.
Tibetan Shirodhara goes a step further and combines four Tibetan massage protocols (including Shirodhara) in a seamless rhythm, with each step being a stand-alone process which, when combined, yields amazing results.
Discover Some Unheard-Of Underlying Causes of Chronic Stress, Anxiety and Depression And Address them Naturally
Keep Stress-Related Disorders at bay and find the way to stay happy, upbeat and energetic. Avoid dangerous Psychoactive drugs, uncomfortable side-effects, and the disabling uncertainty and depletion of the emotional roller coaster
Learn the Ayurvedic Secrets for Mental Health and Minimize the Deterioration of Your Brain as You Age
Understand what a 'Superager' is, learn all about the MIND diet and explore the powerful concepts of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine for brain health with an MD who changes lives daily. If you learn how to really care for your brain and feed it the optimal diet and lifestyle, you can begin to quickly experience some positive improvements
Ayurvedic Plan To Not Just Lose Weight But Also Feel Great
Reprogram your digestive fire
No crazy or extreme regimes, but a definite, deliberate, safe and effective Ayurvedic plan - a journey of transformation so smooth, you’ll actually enjoy it as much as the results
Discover the 3rd Non-Negotiable Pillar of Health to Fortify Your Intimate Well-being, Enhance Your Relationships and Galvanise Your Sleepy Endocrine System!
Practice & apply pieces of information about the ayurvedic way of dealing with diabetes and its 20 sub-types Understand how a ‘low carb, high fat diet’ proves to be the best alternative for people suffering from diabetes
“Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar’s approach is practical and transformative. Effortless Weight Loss is not merely an innovative guide to diet and weight control but introduces the reader to the full scope of Ayurvedic knowledge and treatment for body, mind and consciousness.”
“Dr. Suhas is an excellent teacher and a great presenter of Ayurvedic wisdom. One of the most practical programs to lose weight and improve your life.”
“Dr. Akil has beautifully blended the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic principles of healing with the light of modern medicine, integrated so that anyone can use it for his or her total healing.”
“In my pursuit to find an Ayurveda teacher nearly two years ago, I came across Cate on an episode of her Yogahealer podcast..... Cate has a way of delivering information to her students that guides her students to be involved in their own healing process and/or learning experience, empowering them to apply the ancient wisdom lessons into their own lives with ease and grace. Honestly, I never knew that Ayurveda had so much to offer until I met Cate.”
“Being on Dr. Akil’s program, I learnt to solve the root of disease and think from a preventive point of view ..... The best part about Dr. Akil is that he is interested in your spiritual and emotional health as well. He is interested in treating not just the disease but the whole person and that makes all the difference!”
“Dr. Khirsagar’s unique approach will entice you with deliciously aromatic foods brimming with flavor that will not only enhance digestion but will also fire up weight loss for good!”
“What a wonderful learning experience I received from your teachings. Even more than the knowledge I acquired, I was blessed to meet such a special, caring and truly spirited person. You carry with you an authentic bright light that is continuously shining. You are a beautiful person with a full and open heart. I thank you.”
“I understand a lot more about how food has been affecting me and my family, and I so appreciate Todd’s myth- and trend-busting and the science behind principles, along with the honesty about what is done based on millennia of experience. Todd is one of the rare authors in the field of herbs and food as medicine in which my scientist husband has developed much confidence. Consider this high praise. His questioning of assertions made by some other authors has also trained me to be more critical in evaluating the material given. So, although I may not understand the chemistry involved, I follow the logic of it and my husband finds it very informative!”